Cukurova Medical Journal (Jun 2021)
Comparison of energy consumptions measured by metabolic monitor with standard equations in intensive care patients
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine parameters affecting the energy consumption in intensive care patients, and the most reliable formulas for calculation of energy consumption. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was carried out in the intensive care unit of the Internal Medicine Department of Çukurova University Hospital. Total 71 patients above 18 years of age, with hemodynamical and respirational stability, and being followed up on a mechanical ventilator for more than 24 hours, were included to this study. We analyzed the correlation of calculated energy consumption values obtained from formulas, with the energy consumption values measured by indirect calorimeter. Results: The study was executed on 71 patients. The mean energy consumption of the patients was 2078±794 kcal and the mean energy need per kilogram was found as 31.64±13.82 kcal. Indirect calorimeter measurements showed the strongest correlation with Swinamer formula. Conclusion: Indirect calorimetry has become not only a "gold standard" but an "achievable gold standard" in determining energy consumption. We recommend that the indirect calorimeter method should be used in intensive care patients to maintain nutrition properly. Under conditions where indirect calorimeter cannot be used, or it is not desirable to wait for 24 hours; feeding can be started according to the results of a 2-hour measurement, or reliable predictive equations.