Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Jun 2023)
Deliberativeness in Russian Commentary Media Discourse
The article studies the phenomenon of deliberation as the main condition to create collectively meaningful content in the new social media discourse. The presence of an explicit dialogue in the form of a commentary text to the original message is considered the basis for generating a variant interpretation, as well as the most hypertext discourse in social media. Identification and description of key topics (situational media concepts) and commentary techniques for modifying their content are based on frame modeling. Distributive analysis of the lexical environment of the frequency verbalizers of the identified topics and its contextual interpretation make it possible to analyze the main directions for evaluating and gaining the significance of these markers of the media space. Based on the analysis of the primary text of the message, the obligatory character of the introduction of the implicit reader’s plan is established with the reference to the dialogue of the operational information presentation. An implicit reader from the status of a narrator, through the explication of his own opinion in the polycode space of social media, acquires the status of a narrator. The prototypes of messages and posts in the Russian-language segment of the social network VKontakte, as well as the metatexts of comments on these posts that support the original or generate new relevance vectors of key topics in the process of creating deliberative content, served as the material for the analysis. The study determined the ways of actualizing the individual content of the events described in the primary messages and mechanisms for further reinforcement of the evaluation vectors specified in the secondary commentary text. The intentional deliberativeness of the initially institutional media discourse is revealed. It manifests itself in the holistic perception of operational information, which undergoes meaningful transformation and clarification in the ad hoc commentary texts of user response.