Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano (Jul 2008)
Lipid Metabolism and energetic expenditure during exercise
Abstract The goal of this study was to present a new perspective on the relationship between lipid metabolism and the intensity/duration of exercise and energy expenditure. The idea was to use the second lactate threshold as a marker of the best ratio between energy expenditure and duration of exercise. From the literature review and analyses of experimental data, it was demonstrated that the second lactate threshold mark is the point at which the best ratio occurs between substrate oxidation rate and duration of effort. This means that any low intensity exercise performed below the second lactate threshold will require more time to achieve the same energy expenditure as exercise performed at the second lactate threshold. On the other hand, exercise performed above the second lactate threshold has a higher substrate oxidation rate, but, due to the shorter time for which the effort can be sustained, the total energy expenditure is less. These considerations have important practical applications in training schedules for reducing body fat.