Dose-Response (Aug 2018)

Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Induced by Carbon Ions Radiation: A Preliminary Study

  • Yong Chen,
  • Haining Gao,
  • Wenling Ye

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16


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Heavy-ion irradiation-induced nuclear DNA damage and mutations have been studied comprehensively. However, there is no information about the deleterious effect of heavy-ion irradiation on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In this study, 2 typical mtDNA mutations were examined, including 4977 deletions and D310 point mutations. The 4977 deletions were quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction, and D310 point mutations were analyzed by direct sequencing and a specific enzyme digestion genotyping method. Results showed that carbon ions radiation can induce temporal fluctuation of mtDNA 4977 deletions in 72 hours after irradiation, while survived clones were free from this deletion. Carbon ions induced more D310 mutations than X-rays, and the single-cell heteroplasmy was eliminated. This is the first study investigating mtDNA mutations induced by carbon ions irradiation in vitro. These findings would provide fundamental information for further investigation of radiation-induced mitochondrial biogenesis.