Nuclear Physics B (Feb 2018)
Non-commutative M-branes from open pure spinor supermembrane
Open supermembrane with a constant three-form flux in the pure spinor formalism is examined. The BRST symmetry of the open supermembrane action leads to non-commutative (NC) M-branes. In addition to the NC M5-brane with a self-dual two-form flux, we find a NC M9-brane with an electric flux and a NC M9-brane with a magnetic flux. The former reduces in the critical electric flux limit to an M2-brane on the M9-brane, while the latter reduces in the strong magnetic flux limit to infinitely many Kaluza–Klein monopoles dissolved into the M9-brane. These NC M-branes are shown to preserve a half of 32 supersymmetries.