Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación (Dec 2024)
Community support for winter olympics in Alt Urgell: the impact of sociodemographic and sport-related variables
This study explores how sociodemographic and sport-related factors affect public support for a Winter Olympic bid in Alt Urgell, Catalonia, Spain, focusing on the role of direct democracy mechanisms, such as referendums, in shaping local opinions on hosting major sport-ing events . A mixed-methods approach was employed, including Computer-Assisted Web Interviews (CAWI), Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI), and face-to-face surveys. Data from a stratified sample of 416 residents aged 18 and older were analyzed using Pearson Chi-Square, Likelihood Ratio tests, Gamma, and Kendall's Tau-b to examine associations between sociodemographic factors, sports participation, and support for the bid. The analysis indicates that civil status significantly influences support for the bid, with people in relationships and with children showing greater enthusiasm. Higher sports participation and outdoor sports participation correlate with reduced interest in community involvement with the Olympics, while belief in regional involvement strongly predicts favorable attitudes. Other factors, such as age, gender, years of residency, and attendance at sports events, were not significant. This research enhances understanding of public engagement with major sporting events by highlighting the complex relationships between sociodemographic factors, sports involvement, and bid support. It emphasizes the need for policymakers to address environmental, economic, and social concerns to gain support. Keywords: major sports events, Winter Olympic bid, referendum, event impact.