Revista de Saúde Pública (Oct 1991)

Prevalencia del habito de fumar en jóvenes y sus padres: asociaciones relevantes con educacion y ocupación Prevalência do hábito de fumar em jovens e seus pais: associações de importância com educação e ocupação Prevalence of smoking in young people and their parents: important assocations with education and occupation

  • Leonor Poletto,
  • Stella Maris Pezzotto,
  • Julio Morini,
  • Jorge Andrade

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 5
pp. 388 – 393


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Con el objetivo de conocer la prevalencia del hábito de fumar cigarrillos en los jóvenes, se estudiaron muestras aleatorias de varones de 18 años y de estudiantes universitarios de medicina y de economía, los que respondieron un cuestionario referido al hábito, escolaridad y ocupación propias y de sus padres, así como sus opiniones y motivaciones. La prevalencia del hábito fue mayor en los varones en ambas generaciones, en los estudiantes de medicina que en los de economía, y en los padres con nivel universitario. Se encontró asociación entre el hábito de los jóvenes de la problación general con el de sus padres (pCom o objetivo de conhecer a prevalência de hábito de fumar cigarros entre os jovens, estudaram-se amostras aleatórias de homens de 18 anos e de estudantes universitários de medicina e de economia, que responderam um questionário sobre o hábito, escolaridade e ocupação, próprios e de seus pais. A prevalência do hábito de fumar foi maior nos homens de ambas as gerações, nos estudantes de medicina, que nos de economia, e nos pais com educação universitária. Achou-se associação entre o hábito dos jovens representativos da população geral (p Rosario, with a million inhabitants, is the second major urban concentration in Argentina and serves as the commercial and industrial center for a large area. In view of the lack of information on the present prevalence of smoking in this area as for the country as a whole, a study was performed on random samples of young people and university students of medicine and economics, as well as on their parents. Information was obtained on their life smoking habits, education and occupation. The prevalence of the habit was higher: a) in men, both in the youngsters and their parents; b) in medical students than in those of the economic sciences; c) in parents with university education. The smoking habit of these subjects and parents was highly associated (p < 0.001) in the sample of young people, although no association was found between the prevalence of smoking among university students and their parents. Peer smoking was the main factor influencing the onset of cigarette smoking given by 69% of the subjects. Knowledge of specific adverse health effects of smoking was poor. Attitudes toward restrictive measures were highly associated (p < 0.001) with the non-smoker category. Based on these findings, we conclude that while there is a need for educational programs for the population in general, the university as a whole and specifically the school of medicine should implement a program to increase knowledge and awareness on this public health problem.
