Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (Jul 2024)
Efektivitas Bahan Pembenah Tanah pada Dinamika Fosforus dengan Perunutan Isotop 32P dan Hasil Jagung di Ultisol Jasinga
Soil conditioners can accelerate the recovery of soil physical, chemical, and/or biological quality, thus optimizing soil productivity. The 32P isotope tracing technique was used to determine the contribution of P from soil amendments in the form of lime, biochar, and compost, as well as to study their effects on P fertilization efficiency and corn yield. The treatments included lime, biochar, compost, and combinations of these three materials. The parameters analyzed were corn yield and P contribution from P sources. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of soil amendments to increase P uptake, growth, and yield of corn, as well as to determine the P contribution from lime, biochar, and compost to corn plants using the 32P isotope tracing technique. The results on Ultisol soil from Jasinga, Bogor, showed that the combination of 3 t ha-1 lime + 15 t ha-1 biochar + 15 t ha-1 compost resulted in the highest grain weight of 45.942 g per plant; the contribution of P from the carrier materials to the grain of the combination of 3 t ha-1 lime + 15 t ha-1 biochar + 15 t ha-1 compost was 44.945 mg per plant. In conclusion, the combination of these soil conditioners can increase P availability and corn production on Ultisol soil from Jasinga, Bogor. Keywords: soil conditioner material, 32P isotope tracer technique, Ultisols