Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía (Sep 2020)
Modeling, design and simulation of photovoltaic solar micro-generation systems using MATLAB
The objective of the research was to carry out a modeling, design and simulation of photovoltaic solar micro-generation systems using MATLAB as a contribution from the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, to the formation of viable energy alternatives for the benefit of the Ecuadorian population. It was developed based on the quantitative approach, descriptive type supported by the feasible project modality, the modeling, design and simulation were built, which is presented in a mathematical descriptive phase and a simulation phase, displayed in the technological proposal section. By separately studying each element of the isolated photovoltaic solar system, its dynamic behavior has been deepened. In addition, it has allowed the design of a parameterizable tool or application according to the technical characteristics of each element of the system, allowing the simulation of photovoltaic solar systems incorporating real data on solar radiation and temperature of the physical site where the study is carried out.