Вестник трансплантологии и искусственных органов (Jun 2018)
The idea of creating a polymer heart valve, which has high strength and biocompatibility, occurs in the 60’s. Since then, many polymer compounds have been investigated, but no solution has been found for this problem. In recent years, in connection with the development of technologies for the synthesis of high-molecular compounds, new polymers have appeared that can solve this problem, as evidenced by a number of publications describing experimental and clinical data. Nevertheless, the search for a polymer for the valve stem of the valvular valve body does not lose its relevance due to the defi ciencies studied and the lack of evidence confi rming the long-term safety of such products. This review presents the fi rst results of a study of polymer heart valves prostheses based on a nanocomposite polymer from polyhedral oligomeric nanoparticles of silicosioxane and polycarbonate urethane polymer POSS-PCU, polystyrene block-isobutylene-block-styrene SIBS, PTFE polytetrafl uoroethylene, copolymers and composites based on olefi n polymers series and polyesters, the idea of creating a material with a given three-dimensional microarchitecture that determines the anisotropy and the necessary mechanical properties.