MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2017)
CADOProSys Software. General structure
Design of flexible manufacturing systems is a challenge basedon the field, structure, medium and long term management strategies of theproduction system. On the market there are many ERP software designedfor integrated management. Generally, this type of software is not focusedon manufacturing lines, managing only the documents inside themanufacturing systems, being not appropriate for design. Anyway, all theapplications from the market assumed that the user knows how to designPLM software. This assumption was the motivation for the authors of thepresent paper to design a computer aided application that will help thebeginners, the graduates, to design a manufacturing line. The softwareincludes many modules. Thus, there are modules for designing: space,number of machine-tools and / or equipment, human resource, layout,production planning, logistics (supply-chain and material handling),automation. The software was designed especially for automotive industry,industry that dominates the Brasov area. Present paper is focused on thegeneral structure of the CADOProSys (Computer Aided Design andOptimisation of Production Systems) Software, including the logicdiagram and some opportunities provided by the application.