中西医结合护理 (Jun 2022)
Nursing of a diabetic patient with Norwegian scabies and related nosocomial infection prevention and control measures (糖尿病并发挪威疥疮1例护理体会及医院感染防控措施探讨)
This article reviewed the nursing management and related nosocomial infection prevention and control measures for a diabetic patient with Norwegian scabies. Given the strong infectiousness of Norwegian scabies, it is required to activate the contingency plan for nosocomial outbreak prevention and control. Hospital isolation and standard precautions were conducted immediately after diagnosis. An enhanced specialist care was carried out, including medication care, skin care, psychological care and social support. (本文总结了1例糖尿病合并挪威疥疮患者的护理经验及医院感染防控措施和。挪威疥疮传染性强, 应立即启动医院感染暴发应急预案, 做好隔离消杀措施, 医护人员实施标准预防, 患者专人集中护理, 包括用药护理、皮肤护理及心理护理, 同时加强支持与鼓励, 提高患者治疗依从性。)