Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Sep 2021)

Institutional routines and interpersonal conflicts among elderly in a Long-Term Care Facility

  • Jamile Lais Bruinsma,
  • Margrid Beuter,
  • Zulmira Newlands Borges,
  • Caren da Silva Jacobi,
  • Eliane Raquel Rieth Benetti,
  • Carolina Backes

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 55


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ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the influence of institutional routines on interpersonal conflicts among institutionalized elderly women. Method: A qualitative study, with an ethnographic framework, performed with 17 elderly women in a Long-Term Care Facility. The field immersion occurred from August 2017 to May 2018. The data were produced by participant observation and fieldnotes and analyzed through the sociocultural perspective with theoretical tools related to the total institutions described by Erving Goffman. Results: External bonds outside the institution and the routines were trigger factors of conflicts in the Long-Term Care Facility. The dissatisfaction with the lack of external bonds was noticed in the impossibility of leaving with family members, receiving visits, objects, money, foods, or attention. The standardization and collectivization of internal routines of basic activities generated dissatisfaction and challenged the elderly women’s tolerance towards the norms. Such situations facilitated interpersonal conflicts in the institutional environment. Conclusion: The conflicts occurred among elderly women and professionals, and among them, from the insubordination of the elderly, based on the idea of reaffirming their individualities.
