Rev Rene (Sep 2019)

Pediatric gastrostomy: epidemiological clinical aspect

  • Cassilene Oliveira da Silva,
  • Regina Ribeiro Cunha,
  • Edson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos,
  • Andressa Tavares Parente,
  • Vanessa Vieira Lourenço-Costa,
  • Paullo Oberlindo Costa Fernandes

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20
p. e41432


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Objective: to describe the epidemiological clinical profile of children undergoing gastrostomy surgery. Methods: cross-sectional, documentary, retrospective study developed at a referral hospital for child health. Data were collected from records and in the surgery book. Results: among 39 medical records analyzed, most were female, born vaginally, gestational age at term, with no information on the Apgar index, with some comorbidity, aged 0-3 years. The main indication for gastrostomy was the swallowing disorder of muscular or neurological origin with predominance of the surgical technique, use of latex Foley catheter as a device for enteral nutrition, the first exchange of the device occurred between 21 to 30 days performed by the nurse. Conclusion: the prevalence of girls aged zero to three years with some comorbidity was found. Swallowing disorders were the indication of gastrostomy made by surgical technique.
