Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Sep 2020)

臺灣華語師資在新南向國家之競爭優劣勢:菲律賓華校觀點 Competitive Advantages and Weaknesses of Taiwanese Teachers Teaching Chinese As a Foreign Language in New Southbound Countries: Philippines Chinese Schools’ Perspectives

  • 湯家偉 Chia-Wei Tang ,
  • 莊俊儒 Chun-Ju Chuang,
  • 張其祿 Chyi-Lu Jang ,
  • 洪雅琪 Ya-Chi Hung



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本研究目的在探究臺灣華語師資在菲律賓的競爭優劣勢,以及臺灣華語師培教育在師資輸出海外應加強的面向。本研究採用深度訪談法,訪談七位任職於不同菲律賓華校的教學或行政主任,以菲律賓華校觀點對臺灣在當地服務之華語教師和臺灣推行之華語輸出政策,提供反饋。本研究主要研究發現為:一、目前菲律賓對華語師資的需求甚殷;二、臺灣華語師資在菲律賓華語市場的優劣勢體現在與中國華語師資的競爭上;三、臺灣華語教育輸出需要 在師培課程和華語資源規劃統籌進行再思考或加強。 This study had twofold objectives. The first was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Taiwanese Teachers Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) in the Philippines, and the second was to identify areas for improvement in Taiwan’s TCFL education. The authors conducted in-depth interviews with seven directors of academic affairs or administration in Chinese schools in the Philippines. The main findings can be summarized as follows: (1) TCFL teachers are in high demand in the Philippines; (2) The advantages and weaknesses of Taiwan’s TCFL teachers are mainly identified in comparison with TCFL teachers from China; (3) TCFL education can be improved by implementing the suggestions of adding different cultural pieces to the TCFL curriculum and reallocating Taiwan’s TCFL budget and resources.
