Signo (Oct 2016)
An analysis of educational resources for teaching portuguese:ELO and Redigir
This paper aims to research two educational resources created in the ELO and Redigir projects through discursive analysis based on the French Semiotics theory. We seek to find a profile of currently available resources. This proposal is part of the project "Recursos Educacionais Abertos para Leitura e Produção de Textos nas Licenciaturas” (REALPTL), supported by CNPq, that proposes the research and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) aimed at literacy licentiate. In this first stage, research, analysis of ELO and Redigir allow to create a theoretical and practical proposal of an online environment to sharing OER found in positive and negative aspects in this research. In this analysis, from the categories: thematic, internal links, interactivity, graphic interface, creativity, language conception and educational conception, some of the results point to the need for internal links with the graphical interface and the lack of technological resources themselves to ensure interactivity.