Jurnal Psikologi (Apr 2017)
Literasi Kesehatan Mental dan Sikap Komunitas sebagai Prediktor Pencarian Pertolongan Formal
Mental illness had contributed 23% of global mental health burden. The high number of mental illness prevalence had impact on social and economic burden, yet only 10% was treated by professional. This study aimed to find out the significance of mental health literacy and community attitude toward mental illness toward formal help seeking. The hypothesis was mental health literacy and community attitude toward mental illness predicted formal help-seeking. A survey method was applied with total respondent was 168 people living in urban area. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The result showed mental health literacy and community attitude toward mental illness significantly predicted the formal help seeking simultaneously (F=3.466; p<0.05). This study concluded that people who well literate in mental health issues and having positive community attitude in their environment can affect their help seeking to professional treatment.