Millenium (Mar 2023)

Psychometric properties of the attitudes assessment scale towards the recovering self-care process

  • Marisa Lourenço,
  • Paula Encarnação,
  • Elisabete Silva,
  • Maria José Peixoto,
  • Teresa Martins

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 21


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Introduction: After a critical event, which has left the person dependent in self-care activities, their recovery is influenced by the emotions and attitudes that the person adopts. Objective: To develop an instrument that allows the assessment of attitudes and emotional factors with the greatest impact on recovery, of a person dependent on basic self-care activities. Methods: A methodological study that aims to describe the construction and study of the metric properties of the Attitudes Assessment Scale during the self-care recovery process. Data were collected at a hospital and two long-term care units, between October 2019 and December 2020, 118 people with dependence on basic self-care activities participated. Results: A four-dimensional structure with 37 items showed adequate psychometric characteristics of validity after an exploratory factorial analysis. The coefficient alpha of Cronbach varied between 0.84 and 0.96, suggesting a good internal consistency. Conclusion: Assessment of emotional disorders and attitudes of the person, with a deficit in self-care, during the recovery process, contributes to a more effective and integrated recognition and planning of care needs, ensuring higher quality and a more personalized care. The replicability and validation of this measure in other contexts, countries and cultures, can probably contribute to a more informed analysis of the attitudes of the person with dependence in the basic self-care activities, during the recovery process after a disabling event.
