Devastating floods in South Asia: The inequitable repercussions of climate change and an urgent appeal for action
Saleha Azeem,
Huzaifa Ahmad Cheema,
Abia Shahid,
Firoj Al-Mamun,
Sudhan Rackimuthu,
Mohammad Ebad Ur Rehman,
Mohammad Yasir Essar,
Ka Yiu Lee
Saleha Azeem
Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan
Huzaifa Ahmad Cheema
Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan; Department of Medicine, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan
Abia Shahid
Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan; Department of Medicine, King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan
Firoj Al-Mamun
CHINTA Research Bangladesh, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Department of Public Health & Informatics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Department of Public Health, University of South Asia, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Sudhan Rackimuthu
Father Muller Medical College, Kankanady, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Mohammad Ebad Ur Rehman
Department of Medicine, Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Mohammad Yasir Essar
Kabul University of Medical Sciences, Kabul, Afghanistan
Ka Yiu Lee
Corresponding author.; Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre, Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden