Sport Mont (Jun 2014)
Introduction: This study intends to identify the significant repeated and regular behavior, emerging from the diversity of game actions, determining the behavioral variables that define and characterize the Offensive Game Methods, in fast attack, in two teams that share the same coach and technical team. The selected teams are International Milan (IM) and Real Madrid (RM). We seek for relation between the beginnings (criteria conducts) and (conducts behaviors), developments, pace of the game, the zones of the field, the interaction contexts. The results allows us to better understand the similarities and differences between them. Methods: The design used in the present study was based on an observational methodology for data collecting. The sample included 12 football games (per team) of domestic competitions, from the sports season 2009/2010 IM and 2010/2011 RM. The matches were analyzed through systematic observation, using a specific instrument to observe the offensive process (Sarmento, 2012). The collected data were introduced in the SDIS-GSEQ program for Windows (version 5.1). The determination of the motivational value of transitions between the different behaviors considered as criteria categories and object occurred considering the pattern sequence up to the transition limit of 5. The analysis of data reliability was calculated by intra and inter observer conformity, and values above 0.89 for all criteria were achieved. Results: The teams have different patterns, attending to the studied beginnings. Every beginning has a set of behaviors that emerge from the diversity of actions, except in the conduct criteria interception of the ball of IM. Relatively to the beginning of fast attack using actions where the players can be immediately pressed by the opponent, teams were less systematic, compared with the beginning of fast attack using actions where the players can´t be immediately pressed by the opponent. Discussion: We verified the specificity of the different beginnings, in two different teams, in fast attack. The beginnings where the players can be immediately pressed by the opponent, makes us think about the opponents affecting the systematization of behaviors, conditioning the existence of results. We think that the teams use the beginnings without direct intervention of the opponent on the ball, to start the offensive process in model order applying actions of general knowledge by team players. References: Sarmento H (2012). Análise do jogo de futebol Padrões de jogo ofensivo em equipas de alto rendimento: uma abordagem qualitativa. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.