Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (Mar 2024)
Data-oriented QMOOD model for quality assessment of multi-client software applications
There has been a great effort to evaluate software quality using proper tools and methods against different development environments changing over time. Quality Model for Object Oriented Design (QMOOD) is a verified model used for quality assessment of object-oriented software. The model associates quality metrics gathered from the source code and quality attributes in use to present a quality measurement. However, the model should be revised for recent multi-client software including native client applications, because there is a deficiency of metric gathering tools in such environments. More specifically, it is sometimes not possible to gather all quality properties required by QMOOD in all native development platforms of client applications. Hence, even though different client applications have the same design, the implementation quality cannot be monitored for the quality assurance. Analyzing and simplifying the metric set may alleviate this challenge, and a convenient quality assessment might be achieved. Thus, we propose to change the operational aspect of QMOOD by inserting an additional layer, Data Analytic, to the hierarchical structure of the conventional model. Accordingly, we provide a discussion on a case study including five native client applications. For this purpose, a design quality of one of the client applications is achieved to validate the appropriateness of the design, the data analytic on the metric set are implemented and the proposed data-oriented simplified QMOOD is applied to the other client applications. Finally, it is stated that the proposed approach successfully alleviated the problems in metric gathering for multi-client applications while applying QMOOD.