TheoRhēma (Dec 2017)

Imagologie religioasă/etnică în scrierile lui Erasmus: conflictul dintre turci și creștini: studiu despre turci

  • Daniel Nițulescu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2


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As the title suggests, the purpose of this study is multi-faceted. It aims to analyze and understand Erasmus’ perception of the Turks and Christians in their historical conflict in the 16th century, and to look into the resources that underpin his perception. The research also addresses the issue of war and just war in the writings of Erasmus, as well as the concept of free will. The analysis has a comparative compo-nent, too. Namely, it will highlight the images of the Turks in the thought of different Reformers, and it further purposes to identify the role of free will versus predestiantion in shaping these images.
