Journal of Medical Education Development (Dec 2018)
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Integrated Educational Module of Applications of Nanotechnology in Curriculum of Neuroscience Residents in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background & Objective: The use of nanotechnology in neuroscience research is considered as an essential requirement while neuroscience students have little information in this regard and their educational program less addressed the applications of new technologies in research. Considering this need and by relying on the development of new educational methods, we aimed to design and implement an elective and integrated educational course for neuroscience students in Tehran University of Medical Sciences and then, assessed the level of satisfaction of learners with the course. Materials and Methods: In order to design the curriculum, the Kern's six-step model was applied for curriculum development. In total, 15 neuroscience PhD students were entered into the research, educational needs of whom were determined. After determining the learning goals and outcomes, the educational contents were established and presented in the form of a workshop. In addition, the degree of satisfaction with the method was evaluated by a structured questionnaire designed by the team of lecturers using the Likert scale. Results: Analysis of the results obtained from the questionnaires showed that more than 80% of the learners were satisfied with the course and recommended it to other students in the field. Furthermore, the professors emphasized the unique experience of individuals and superiority of the method to traditional teaching techniques in discussions. Conclusion: The results of the program indicated that the module was successful in attracting the student satisfaction, and can encourage educators to use new educational strategies in neuroscience curriculum to help the researchers of the field. The continuation of implementation of this module is suggested for the target group in various educational years.