Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia (Mar 2016)
Perbedaan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Antara Ibu Rumah Tangga dengan Ibu yang Bekerja di Luar Rumah di BPS Umu Hani Bantul Tahun 2011
Based on World Health Organization (WHO), The cause of 54% mortality baby in the world is infl uenced by nitrition factors including affected by granting breast-feeding. Tendency of the use breast feeding in some society is declining. This is due to paradigm shifting in any women because of growing understanding women about self-actualisazion. This research aims to compare providion of exclusive breastfeeding between working mothers and household mothers at BPS Umu Hani Bantul. This observational study used cross-sectional design with consecutive sampling. Data were obtained by using questionnaire and analysed through table a frequency distribution subjects and data statistic was tested by using chi-square. The result were 84% breastfeeding mothers at BPS Umu Hani as housewife, 15.9% of those working outside and at about 68,2% given exclusive breastfeeding. There was significantly distinctive at about p< 0,05 on the proportion of exclusive breast-feeding given by household mothers and housewife mothers.