Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia (Mar 2016)

Perbedaan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Antara Ibu Rumah Tangga dengan Ibu yang Bekerja di Luar Rumah di BPS Umu Hani Bantul Tahun 2011

  • Dyah Kartika Sari,
  • Prasetya Lestari,
  • Nining Sulistyawati

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 17 – 20


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Based on World Health Organization (WHO), The cause of 54% mortality baby in the world is infl uenced by nitrition factors including affected by granting breast-feeding. Tendency of the use breast feeding in some society is declining. This is due to paradigm shifting in any women because of growing understanding women about self-actualisazion. This research aims to compare providion of exclusive breastfeeding between working mothers and household mothers at BPS Umu Hani Bantul. This observational study used cross-sectional design with consecutive sampling. Data were obtained by using questionnaire and analysed through table a frequency distribution subjects and data statistic was tested by using chi-square. The result were 84% breastfeeding mothers at BPS Umu Hani as housewife, 15.9% of those working outside and at about 68,2% given exclusive breastfeeding. There was significantly distinctive at about p< 0,05 on the proportion of exclusive breast-feeding given by household mothers and housewife mothers.
