Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (Nov 2003)

Thrombophilia and pregnancy

  • Kupferminc Michael J

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
p. 111


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Abstract Pregnancy is hypercoagulable state. The field of thrombophilia; the tendency to thrombosis, has been developed rapidly and has been linked to many aspects of pregnancy. It is recently that severe pregnancy complications such as severe preeclampsia intrauterine growth retardation abruptio placentae and stillbirth has been shown to be associated with thrombophilia. Recurrent miscarriage and has also been associated with thrombophilia. Finally, thromboembolism in pregnancy as in the non-pregnant state is linked to thrombophilia. In this review all aspects of thrombophilia in pregnancy are discussed, and also all prophylactic and therapeutic implications.