Immunomodulatory Effects of Green Tea Catechins and Their Ring Fission Metabolites in a Tumor Microenvironment Perspective
Emmanuele D. S. Andrade,
Ronimara A. Santos,
Landi V. C. Guillermo,
Noriyuki Miyoshi,
Danielly C. Ferraz da Costa
Emmanuele D. S. Andrade
Graduate School of Integrated Pharmaceutical and Nutritional Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan
Ronimara A. Santos
Laboratory of Pathophysiology and Biochemistry of Nutrition, Department of Basic and Experimental Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition, Rio de Janeiro State University/UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 20550-013, Brazil
Landi V. C. Guillermo
Laboratory of Investigation on Mechanisms of Immunoregulation, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Biomedical Institute, Federal State University of Rio de Janeiro/UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro 22290-240, Brazil
Noriyuki Miyoshi
Graduate School of Integrated Pharmaceutical and Nutritional Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan
Danielly C. Ferraz da Costa
Laboratory of Pathophysiology and Biochemistry of Nutrition, Department of Basic and Experimental Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition, Rio de Janeiro State University/UERJ, Rio de Janeiro 20550-013, Brazil
Green tea is the second most consumed beverage following water, and the health benefits provided by its consumption have been well established from research in recent decades. The main bioactive compounds found in all Camellia sinensis-based teas are catechins, which have been reported to have antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. Although most of the health benefits are well established, studies show that the intact catechins as found in tea are poorly absorbed in the digestive tract. These compounds are degraded and undergo ring fission by the gut microbiota, increasing their absorption. In this review, we gather knowledge of the health benefits of green tea catechins and their metabolites, with a particular emphasis on the immunomodulatory effects in a cancer microenvironment scenario.