MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2022)

Elements of dynamics of geometrically-accurate crossed-axes gear pair with line contact between the tooth flanks

  • Radzevich Stephen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 366
p. 03001


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The paper deals with geometrically-accurate crossed-axes gearing that features line contact between the tooth flanks of a gear, and of a mating pinion. The gearing of this design is commonly referred to « R – gearing ». R – gearing is the only possible kind of crossed-axes gearing, in which the tooth flanks of a gear, and of a mating pinion are in line contact with one another. Contact motion characteristics, and the key elements of dynamics of R – gearing are concisely outlined in the paper. The tooth profile sliding, and sliding in the lengthwise direction of the gear tooth, are covered at the beginning of the paper in the section titled Contact motion characteristics. The key elements of dynamics of R – gearing are discussed in the rest sections of the paper. Here, analytical solution to the problems under consideration is presented. The obtained results of the research are also valid for gear pairs that operate on intersected axes of rotation of a gear, and of a mating pinion. This becomes evident if one assumes the center-distance in the gear pair equal to zero. The discussed results of the research form a foundation for the further analysis of dynamics of real gear pairs that operate on crossing axes of rotation of a gear, and of a mating pinion.