Laboreal (Jul 2021)
O trabalho doméstico não remunerado de mães na pandemia da COVID-19 : mudanças e permanências
The changes and permanencies in unpaid domestic work to take care of home and children during the COVID-19 pandemic is the subject of this article. The text discusses the results of an investigation carried out based on an online survey of 360 Brazilian mothers with children up to 12 years old. The obtained results reveal : on the one hand, the maintenance / accentuation of the unequal distribution of reproductive work between the sexes in most households, with a significant increase in hours dedicated by mothers to these tasks, complaints related to physical and mental overload and other difficulties specific to the context of social isolation ; on the other hand, for some families, the context provided new arrangements for the distribution of tasks or, at least, has made the essentiality and pain of domestic work, which is often undervalued and euphemized, more visible.