Dental Research Journal (Jan 2023)

Treatment of strip perforation using cold ceramic

  • Jalil Modaresi,
  • Peter Parashos,
  • Rahele Mousavi,
  • Alireza Mirzaeeian,
  • Zahra Almodaresi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 1
pp. 31 – 31


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Root perforation may occur at any stage of endodontic treatment and is mostly due to iatrogenic injury and may compromise the outcome of endodontic treatment. Repairing a perforation is difficult and the prognosis depends on various factors such as time, site and size of perforation, and the patient's overall health status. Hence, choosing the most appropriate material can be critical for the dentist. In this case report of a strip-perforation repair, an mineral trioxide aggregate-like material (cold ceramic) that has been shown in previous studies to have favorable properties, was successfully used.
