Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jan 2010)

Entre o mito e a história: as adaptações de Duas vezes com Helena, de Paulo Emílio Sales Gomes

  • Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho



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This article analyzes aspects of the films Ao sul de meu corpo (1982) and Duas vezes com Helena (2001), which are adaptations of the short story Duas vezes com Helena, published in 1977 by Paulo Emilio Sales Gomes, the film critic and founder of the Brazilian Cinematheque. In his text, Paulo Emilio takes certain elements of the myths of Helen of Troy and Polydorus and uses them in a new manner, transposing them to the 20th Century, to the contexts of the Second World War and of the military regime of the sixties in Brazil.
