Education Sciences (Sep 2021)

The Ontology of Becoming: To Research and Become with the World

  • Bosse Bergstedt

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 9
p. 491


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This article aims is to explore a perspective of the ontology of becoming, that makes it possible to study the emergence of phenomena and thereby broaden the understanding of how knowledge is created. It is written in close connection with research in posthumanism and new materialism. What hat has been lacking in these perspectives has been a clearer connection to ontological points of departure. It is therefore the purpose of this article to describe, based on ontological positions, both philosophical points of departure and methodology and research practice. The article is structured in three parts, where the introductory part describes basic ontological starting points. The second part describes how a research apparatus can be constructed and used to carry out analyses based on the ontology of becoming. A research apparatus where the body’s senses and mobility are given a prominent role through a haptic sensorium. The third part describes examples of phenomena that can be explored with an onto-analysis of becoming. Among these, special focus is placed on the border phenomenon of sound. The result of the article is a perspective that can contribute to renewed insights into how phenomena are created with the world.
