Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (Jun 2008)

A Universidade e o Estado Novo: De “corporação orgânica” do regime a território de dissidência social

  • Álvaro Garrido

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 81
pp. 133 – 153


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This article aims to relate the discourse of the ‘New State’ on the University and on student association organisms (reproduction) to the strategies for survival and imagination of the student movement itself (dissent). As the starting point for an analysis of the student movements active between the end of World War II and the mid-1970s, the article takes Salazarist stereotypes of the University as an ‘organic corporation’ of the dictatorship and the legal matrix of student associations as ‘corporate unions’ hindered from expressing any class connotations. This text revisits previous discussions regarding the emergence of ‘student unionism’ in the spring of 1962, endeavouring to ascertain by what means and for what reasons the University became a relevant stage for dissent against the regime, following the successive crises which the dictatorship had to face from 1958 onwards.
