L’Année du Maghreb (Dec 2019)
Quelle place pour le pluralisme religieux dans le mouvement de protestation algérien de 2019 ?
Since February 22nd, 2019, Algerians of all ages mobilized to reject Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s candidacy for a fifth presidential term, and to call for a radical change in the political regime. During protests that took place on Tuesdays and Fridays, the people called for an “equality in citizenship”, for a democracy and for a “plural and diverse Algeria”. The ideas of plurality, diversity and citizenship raise the question of the relationship between members of religious minorities and the hirak. While the Catholic church refuses to take a stand when it comes to the hirak, Protestants share the people’s claims and demands. The Algerian popular movement and the project to create a new Constitution could allow the dialogue around religious freedom, the separation between the state and religion, and laicism – the three having an impact on religious minorities in the country – to take place.