Наукові Записки Наукма: Соціологія (Dec 2018)
Personal values hierarchies of different generations of Ukrainians (based on ESS database, 2012)
Recent decades have brought some changes as to the meaning of the term ‘generation’ and its respective usage in social sciences. It appears to no longer denote a branch on a genealogical tree, yet a relatively numerous, coherent social category, lumping together all individuals born during a particular time interval, marked by appreciable similarities in their life priorities and sharing distinct worldviews. As a term, in its modern use a ‘generation’ stands for something that represents a monolithic macro-social entity and an additional dimension of the social structure. The present article contributes to the literature on quantitative research on the dynamics of personal values profiles across generations. Based on the ESS database (wave 6, 2012), we compare values profiles of three generations of Ukrainians born in 1932–1962, 1963–1986, and 1987–1997 time intervals. In line with the previous research, our results point to the general tendency towards the increasing endorsement of individualistic values paired with the decreased salience of collectivist values in Ukrainian data. While specifically focusing on configurations of values hierarchies of different generations of Ukrainians, the present research also adds to the literatures on the sources of variation in values profiles and on values dynamics, which are both important junctures in values theory. We review the literature on both values and intergenerational links to contextualize our data within a broader research niche targeting values change and intergenerational transmission of values. We also review methodologies used to study values while making an emphasis on Schwartz Values Survey, to pinpoint the structural aspects as well as values dynamics per se.