Obrazovanie i Nauka (Nov 2016)


  • O. R. Chepyuk,
  • A. I. Gorylev

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 8
pp. 100 – 113


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The aim of the presented publication is to show new opportunities of application of a a case study method (educational situations) in modern edu cational process of the higher school in general, and in particular – in teaching fundementals of business and economy wherein this method has gained special popularity.Methods and results. By means of methods of aggregation, deduction and logical synthesis, the authors developed the principles of the organization of distance training of economic disciplines on the basis of the case study method. The structure of educational cases is designated; the standard set of the materials accompanying them is designed. These practical problems were solved within implementation of the project Tempus «Acquisition of Professional and Entrepreneurial Skills by means of Education of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Consultation of the Beginning Entrepreneurs». Possible types and forms of cases were studied; several options of adaptation of their content to the electronic training environment which possesses both restrictions, and extensive additional educational potential are allocated. Various types of cases are shown based on specific examples: illustrating processes and concepts; imitating sample processes; describing original situations in real business and having decisions which are already realized in practice; cases with an uncertain answer to the asked problematic issue. The choice of this or that type of case study tasks is determined by the educational purposes and necessary level of development of a discipline. Cases supplement each other when forming the fund of evaluative means.Scientific novelty. The majority of researches define the case study method as a group discussion in the educational purposes of any problem situation and collective search of its decision, i.e. application of this method assumes classroom full-time courses. The question of use the case study method in a distance format for individual finding of knowledge and practical skills has been understudied for a long time. The materials of the present article partially close this gap.Practical significance. The discussed case study method in the publication promotes implementation of approach to professional higher education which is oriented to a student. The research and experience of application of cases in distance training of entrepreneurship fundamentals have showed the universality and efficiency of this method.
