Nihon Kikai Gakkai ronbunshu (May 2018)
Control of a pneumatic power assist device for lower limbs considering center-of-gravity movement
Power assist devices are worn by users, directly transmit actuator power to the users’ bodies, and can deliver assistance in activities of daily living, such as load lifting. In this study, we built a wearable power assist device for lower limbs driven by pneumatic actuators. Pneumatic power assist devices are safe for users, owing to the compressibility of air; however, the weight of the devices and assist torque often have a negative effect on the wearer’s body balance. Here, an assist control strategy is proposed for the pneumatic power assist device. In this strategy, the relationship between the lower-limb joint angles and the center-of-gravity (COG) of a human body is represented based on a simplified human body model during squatting. Assuming that the anterior and posterior movement of the COG follows the knee joint flexion and extension, the desired COG position is calculated from the knee joint angle measured with a sensor. The desired hip and ankle joint angles are found with the desired COG position, and the desired assist torque is obtained with these joint angles based on the human body model. The power assist device based on this principle was worn by research subjects, and its assistive performance was evaluated through experiments from the viewpoint of the COG fluctuation and muscle activity reduction.