Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2013)

Primera izvajanja direktive inspire in izvedbe sistema metapodatkov v Sloveniji in Švici ; Examples of inspire directive realization and implementation of metadatasystem in Slovenia and Switzerland

  • Mateja Kos,
  • Radoš Šumrada

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 57, no. 1
pp. 25 – 45


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Vizija direktive INSPIRE je, da bodo posamezni prostorski podatki, metapodatki in storitve različnih upravljavcev skladni z enotnimi določili ter dostopni prek skupnega mesta – geoportala. V članku je obravnavana vzpostavitev enotnega nacionalnega metapodatkovnega sistema INSPIRE, ki bo vseboval vse metapodatke v podatkovnih zbirkah in storitvah različnih upravljavcev. Slovenski upravljavci prostorskih zbirk morajo poskrbeti za uskladitev in popolnost metapodatkov ob upoštevanju profila standarda SIST EN ISO 19115 ter drugih uredb in izvedbenih pravil za metapodatke in storitve, ki jih določa direktiva INSPIRE. Predstavljena sta metapodatkovni sistem Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije CEPP, uradni slovenski geoportal INSPIRE in geoportal ARSO Agencije RS za okolje. Podana je njihova primerjava glede dosedanjega razvoja in uskladitve z določili direktive INSPIRE. Kot primeren zgled je predstavljen obsežen in že delujoč prostorski podatkovni in metapodatkovni sistem, ki ga v Švici upravlja in razvija zvezni urad za topografijo swisstopo ; The vision of the INSPIRE Directive is that defined spatial data, metadata and services of various providers are consistent with the standardized specifications and accessible by a common location, i.e. a geoportal. The focus of this paper is on the establishment of a unified national metadata system that is INSPIRE compliant and combines metadata spatial data and the services of various providers. In Slovenia, formal responsible organizations must arrange and complete metadata and services using the SIST EN ISO 19115 metadata standard profile and other regulations and implementing rules determined by the INSPIRE Directive. The metadata systems of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian official INSPIRE geoportal and the ARSO geoportal of the Slovenian Environment Agency are described. A comparison of them is then elaborated regarding the current state and compliance with the INSPIRE Directive. The spatial data and metadata system of the Swiss Federal Office of Topography swisstopo is also presented as an example of a remarkably comprehensive and significant solution.
