Вісник НЮУ імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія (Oct 2020)


  • Євген Миколайович Мануйлов,
  • Юрій Юрійович Калиновський

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 46


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Problem setting. Human rights and freedoms are an essential part of building a democratic state. In turn, freedom of speech is a basic value of a democratic state. At the same time, modern democratic countries, facing terrorist and information threats, becoming information war objects, are forced to adjust the realization legal parameters of the freedom of speech, especially in the media. Recent research and publications analysis. Variety of law, philosophical and political science publications are devoted to problems of the freedom of speech ensuring in conditions of «hybrid» and information wars, the permanent terrorist threat, and armed conflicts. Paper objective. This research aims on highlighting the freedom of speech realization problem in current information and «hybrid» wars, as well as on revealing the features of the relationship between freedom of speech and security measures in democratic states. Paper main body. Nowadays, informational confrontation, information attacks and wars have become the dominant component in the struggle for global leadership. World democracies face the problem of comprehensive freedom of speech implementation on the one hand, and on the other hand - maintaining the safe state existence in conditions of «hybrid» wars, negative informational effects on public consciousness and spiritual-cultural area of the country. In different countries of the world, the beginning of the XXI century events have clearly shown that by means ofsocial networks, it is possible to carry out information attacks against entire nations in order to destabilize the situation, create an auspicious spiritual and psychological climate for the further manipulative actions, destructive influence on existing political and economic systems, legal, spiritual, cultural and other relations, which ultimately leads to the destabilizing of state, information, political and economic sovereignty of the country. To date, in scientific and expert circles, the main criteria have been developed, whereby it is determined whether a country has become the object of information war and information expansion, which accordingly requires the state to take countermeasures to strengthen national security (informational in particular), freedom of speech regulation. Conclusions of the research. Thus, in all of its aspects, the freedom of speech must be ensured by a democratic state, but at the same time it is necessary to clearly define the boundaries of openness in certain areas (military, national security) for the stable country existence.
