MedEdPORTAL (Sep 2014)
Critical Synthesis Package: Clinical Teamwork Scale
Abstract This Critical Synthesis Package contains: (1) a Critical Analysis of the psychometric properties and application to health sciences education for the Clinical Teamwork Scale (CTS); and (2) a copy of the CTS instrument and descriptive anchors developed by Jeanne-Marie Guise, MD, MPH. The CTS is a measure of clinical teamwork that was designed for use by health care personnel in a wide variety of clinical environments independent of specialty or type of institution. Based on team training components of the aviation-based Crew Resource Management program, the CTS consists of a paper-based questionnaire of 15 items organized into the five conceptual teamwork domains of Communication, Situational Awareness, Decision Making, Role Responsibility, and Patient-Friendliness. Originally developed with interprofessional obstetric teams, the CTS also has been used with interprofessional perioperative and trauma teams as well as nursing teams. Responses on the CTS demonstrate adequate construct validity as well as inter-rater reliability. In health sciences education, the CTS could be used to assist in debriefing interprofessional clinical team simulation exercises and in evaluating clinical teamwork skills during routine and emergent clinical care. The scale would be particularly useful in measuring the effect of simulation-based training curricula on teamwork skills among interprofessional teams. These measurements could be used to guide the continued design, delivery, and assessment of inter-professional curricula. Additionally, the CTS could be used in research to learn more about what predicts good clinical teamwork across multiple settings and specialties. The results of these studies could be used to further shape health sciences interprofessional education. Further research should also address additional development of the CTS and evaluator training.