Clinical Management Issues (Oct 2015)
Chronic myeloid leukemia: successful therapy with nilotinib in a young patient with high Sokal risk and in sub-optimal response with imatinib
Here we describe a case of a young patient with chronic myeloid leukemia, at high-risk according to the Sokal index, who started imatinib at standard dose and obtained a sub-optimal response at 12 months. This condition was not automatically an indication to change therapy, but considering the patient as suboptimal, we decided to switch to a second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), nilotinib 800 mg/die, obtaining soon a complete cytogenetic response (CCYR), thereafter a major molecular response (MMolR). Delayed achievement of cytogenetic and molecular is associated with increased risk of progression among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in early chronic phase receiving imatinib therapy. Therefore we can hypothesise that this kind of patient could be elegible for an early switch to second-generation TKI.