Journal of Curriculum Studies (Sep 2012)

建構國際教育融入課程的教師專業成長團體規劃模式:三所偏鄉學校策略聯盟的經驗Constructing a Curriculum Design Model for Infusion of International Education: A Case of Strategic Aliance among Three Rural Elementary Schools

  • 洪雯柔 ( 通訊作者)Wen-Jou Hung (Corresponding Author),
  • 郭喬雯 Chiao-Wen Kuo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 55 – 83


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本研究第一部分先就建構國際教育融入課程之模式的計畫緣起介紹起,闡明國際教育推展的脈絡與意涵,繼之分析我國國際教育推展的現況與展望,以助於讀者瞭解為何研究者與課程規劃團隊起心發念推動國際教育;第二部分介紹研究者與團隊所進行的國際教育融入課程模式的核心理念與運作方式;最後則介紹本模式的特色。在國際化與全球化的潮流下,國際理解、全球公民養成、跨國議題瞭解、跨文化溝通機會的增加等,皆成為重要能力,亦成為推動國際教育發展的動力因素。然而,家長社經地位較低、學校位處偏鄉、課程綱要之侷限等因素,影響了學校與教師進行國際教育相關活動。本課程規劃以大學與三所小學的合作為基礎,第一期先以專業社群方式提升教師在國際教育方面的專業素養,透過專業對話與反省,建構融入式的國際教育課程;第二期則以學生能力本位為基礎,環繞國際交流活動之能力,建構相關課程。本課程模式之特色包括:一、以培養學生國際/全球視野及跨文化態度與技能養成為目標;二、規劃的推動地區為教育優先區;三、以專業社群方式發展教師規劃課程的能力:本計畫涵蓋多學科領域且能長期引領教師經歷各課程發展階段;四、涵蓋橫向的跨校模式與縱向多層次的領導模式;五、涵蓋橫向的校內教師社群與縱向的校長領導模式。This article illustrates the concept for constructing a curriculum design model of integration of international education. It comprises the background of implementing international education and the definitions and implications of it so as to reveal the importance and necessity of international education. The second part of this article is to demonstrate the core concepts and function for this curriculum design model. The last part is to display the characteristics of this model. In the context of internationalization and globalization, to cultivate the literacy of international understanding, global citizenship, appreciation of crosscultural communication, and comprehension of global issues is important. That makes international education a necessity in education systems nowadays. For the underprivileged schools, they need more resources to implement international education. This project help three elementary schools with implementing curriculum design of international education. At the first stage, the curriculum design focused on promoting teachers’ professional development of international education. Through the reflective and reciprocal professional dialogue in a professional development community, teachers learn how to integrate international education into the given curriculum. At the second stage, the core is to design curriculum around the competencies students need in the international education activities. The traits of this model are as follows: 1) The aim of this model is to cultivate students international/global perspectives and cross-cultural attitudes and skills; 2) The participant schools are of Education Priority Area; 3) The way for designing international education curriculum is through the professional and reflective dialogue in a professional development community; 4) The model includes multi disciplines and cooperation cross disciplines; 5) This model uses multi-level leadership to guide the curriculum design.
