رشد و یادگیری حرکتی ورزشی (Oct 2013)
The Investigation of Motor Performance Measures to Assess Neurology of Sports Related Concussion
The postural control system is a complex motor system which is formed basedon an interaction of different dynamic processes and many laboratory techniquesrecognize performance disorders using a wide range of neurological signs andsymptoms. The present research aimed to assess the reliability of commonly usedclinical measures of balance and to investigate the effect of age, height, weight andBMI on performing clinical balance tests. For this purpose, 133 participants (agerange 18-59 yr) who had at least 3 sessions of sport activity per week, participatedin this research. Clinical balance tests included finger-to-nose (FTN), single legstance (SLS), tandem stance and time-up-and-go (TUG). The results showed thatthe first performance of each three trials was slower. The relationship betweensome factors and these balance tests were examined. The results revealed that FTNand TUG especially TUG test were the most stable measure to assess sportsrelated concussion