臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2017)

美國華盛頓州一所小學多元文化課程實施之個案研究 A Case Study on the Multicultural Curriculum Practices of an Elementary School in Washington State

  • 洪麗卿 Li-Ching Hung,
  • 劉美慧 Mei-Hui Liu



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本研究旨在探究目前美國華盛頓州一所小學國小階段多元文化教育課程之實施情形,以轉化為臺灣實施多元文化課程之建議參考。本研究運用學校民族誌以美國華盛頓州西雅圖學區一所具移民族群多樣性之K-5公立小學為研究場域進行八個月的田野研究,藉由參與觀察、深入訪談和文件分析等方法蒐集資料。研究發現有三:一、個案學校採用多元、去中心化、建構的課程提供課程解放和文化回應空間;二、個案學校之多元文化教育融入課程偏重轉化模式;三、學生主體意識的開展立基於學生參與班級經營和民主教育的扎根。最後,根據研究發現提出對臺灣國小階段多元文化課程實施之啟示。 This study aimed at exploring the implementation of a multicultural curriculum in an elementary public school in Washington State in the United States. The study involved an ethnographic case study of one K-5 elementary public school with a high degree of ethnic diversity among its students. The researcher spent 8 months engaging in the field. Multiple methods of data collection, including participant observation, data analysis, and interviews, were applied. The findings of the study are as follows: First, pluralistic, ecentralized, constructive curricular consciousness provided wiggle room for curriculum deliberation and cultural response. Second, a transformative approach to the integration of multicultural content into the curriculum was frequently used in the case school. Finally, the development of students’ subjective consciousness was achieved by focusing students’ participation on class management and democratic education. The paper provides three suggestions for the promotion of multicultural education and the improvement of multicultural curriculum practices in the Taiwan context.
