Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy (Jan 2008)

Visible spectrophotometric determination of Cefadroxil using ethyl acetoacetate and formaldehyde reagents

  • Ratna Asmah Susidarti,
  • Andrih Rianti,
  • Sudibyo Martono

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 1
pp. 41 – 47


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Visible spectrophotometric method can be used to determine cefadroxil in the pharmaceutical dosage form. The reaction of cefadroxil with the condensation product of 2 mol ethyl acetoacetate and 1 mol formaldehyde in acidic condition (pH 3,5) at 45°C for 20 minutes yielded yellow product giving absorption at 367 nm. The concentration of Cefadroxil was calculated by using standard curve Y = 1.6063 X + 0.1634, r = 0.9932, p = 0,001 and Vxo = 9,7%. Determination of cefadroxil capsule ”X” (562.4 mg/capsule) showed that the concentration of cefadroxil observed is 490.5 mg/capsule (CV = 0.89%) and recovery value is 102.88% (CV = 0.67%).
