Revista Educação em Saúde (Feb 2018)
Uso de drogas por estudantes de engenharia em uma instituição de Anápolis-Goiás
Objective: To determine the prevalence of the use of licit and illicit drugs by engineering students in a higher education institution in Anápolis, Goiás. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study with a quantitative approach with the application of a socio-demographic questionnaire and the ASSIST questionnaire, validated by World Health Organization (1994) as data collection instruments, a total of 663 students participated in the study. Results: Among the engineering students who were willing to participate in this research, it was observed that alcohol was the most prevalent drug in use at least once in life (69.6%), followed by alcohol, tobacco was shown to be second most prevalent drug among students in the area of Engineering, with 28.1%. Marijuana was the most frequently used illicit drug, with 15.7%, followed by Inhalants (9.9%), amphetamine (8.8%), hallucinogens (6.6%) and cocaine (4.3%). Conclusion: Drug use is an eminent problem among engineering students and preventive strategies are needed to decrease and contain drug abuse among them.