Education Policy Analysis Archives (Oct 2018)

Implications of the New Public Management in education: Comparative analysis between Brazil and Angola

  • Elisangela Alves da Silva Scaff,
  • Kellcia Rezende Souza,
  • Isaac Paxe

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Vol. 26, no. 0


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This article seeks to analyze the setup of the New Public Management in the educational field in Angola and Brazil between 1988 and 2017. The study that grounds this paper was carried out through bibliographic and archival research. Aiming to understand the phenomenon researched beyond a unilateral perceptive, we decided to ground this analysis on the comparative paradigm. We understood that the guidelines and prescriptions of the economic field, and the political changes are environments to be taken into account in the current educational reforms in Brazil and Angola, since those environments have a straightforward impact on the public spheres management patterns. Abstracting from this reality dimension in the context of both lusophones countries; enables us to identify the closeness and distances between them, as well as, uncover the convergences and divergences of the political, social and economical context, which reality claims more research.
