BMC Health Services Research (Dec 2024)
Attitudes toward the adoption of eHealth amongst healthcare professionals in trauma surgery – the new digital normal?
Abstract Background As in many other countries, the Dutch emergency healthcare system is under pressure due to increasing numbers of patients, limited budgets, and constrained (human) resources (TraumaNet AMC 19 May, 2016; Int J Emerg Med 6:41, 2013). eHealth, enlarged by the COVID-19 pandemic, has been advocated to substitute face-to-face care to alleviate the pressure of the burden of care (Ministry of Health Welfare and Sport, 2022; Dutch Society of Hospitals, 2022). In order for eHealth solutions to be adopted in daily practice, is it essential to assess healthcare professionals’ attitudes toward its usefulness. As this is currently lacking, this study explores the use of eHealth in daily practice, opportunities of eHealth, implementation barriers, and desired functions and features amongst healthcare professionals working in Dutch orthopedic surgery and traumatology. Methods A cross-sectional, web-based survey among the 605 members of the Dutch Society of Trauma Surgery and related healthcare professionals on the attitudes towards eHealth in daily practice was performed between November 4, 2021, and March 31, 2022. The survey consisted of five sections with 42 questions, including close-ended questions, multiple-choice questions, 5-point Likert Scales, Visual Analogue Scales, and free-text questions. Results Of the 111 responding healthcare professionals, 59/111 (53%) were male, and the median age was 40 years (IQR 26 to 67). Almost all participants owned smartphones (109/111, 98.2%). Most participants reported that the COVID-19 pandemic had influenced their attitude towards the usefulness of eHealth positively (80/111, 72%). Most participants (59%) would use a digital alternative instead of face-to-face follow-up if proven a safe technology, and expect that 64% of all patients would prefer a digital option. Most healthcare professionals stated that eHealth could reduce healthcare costs (94/111, 85%) and improve patient satisfaction (81/111, 73%) but is hindered most by a lack of financial support during implementation (57/111, 51%), followed by complex laws and regulations (54/111, 49%). Discussion Results of this cross-sectional survey show that attitudes of orthopedic surgery or traumatology-related healthcare professionals toward the usefulness of eHealth are positive and may have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though healthcare professionals believe eHealth could reduce costs and improve patient satisfaction, daily clinical use remains low possibly due to a lack of long-term and short-term financial support and complex laws and regulations.