Scientific Reports (Nov 2023)

Charge stripes in the graphene-based materials

  • Petra Grozić,
  • Barbara Keran,
  • Anatoly M. Kadigrobov,
  • Danko Radić

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1
pp. 1 – 9


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Abstract We present an analytical model of the charge density wave instability in graphene sheets within the intercalated graphite CaC6 compound. The instability yields the experimentally observed uniaxial charge stripes of periodically modulated electron density, coupled to the softest phonon mode of the superlattice consisting of the Ca atoms intercalated between graphene planes. The Fermi surface of the chemically doped graphene undergoes the novel type of instability driven by the mechanism that gains the condensation energy of the stripe state by the topological reconstruction of the Fermi surface. This mechanism appears to be entirely different from the one based on the Fermi surface nesting, which has been considered a paradigm in the present literature concerning the onset of charge density waves.