Векторы благополучия: экономика и социум (Dec 2022)
The study represents the concept of political well-being as rational-emotional idea in political culture. Author assumes that construction of political well-being affects all spheres of social life. In addition, the special role of researching the idea of digitalization, which effects social-political institutions, is highlighted. The relevance of the proposed study is caused by the situation in which a new ideology is formed by the digital generation, but the generation «before the digital» is engaged in the configuration of political spaces. Such condition gives rise to a contradiction between personal and public health in the dual concept of «political well-being». The goal: to identify the degree of predominance of a personal good or public good in constructing the concept of «political well-being» in the context of society digitalization. The methods used to achieve this goal are synthesis and theoretical generalization. The article analyzes the ideas about the content of the concept of well-being, in general (from the idea of an individual good to the «theory of an objective list») and the concept of political well-being, in particular. To understand the integrity of the concept of «political well-being» it is necessary to study the category of «additional principles» in conjunction of ideological view and multidisciplinary. Results. The demonstrates the consequences of the influence of digital technologies on the opposition of personal and public good in the content of the concept of «political well-being». It is proved that digital communication brings to the fore the phenomenon of a visual image of public good in the formation of personal well-being, which is completed by the imagination and acquires an emotional and personal (irrational and even mythological) coloring. Based on the study, the author of the article comes to the conclusion on the dominance of the visual image of the public good in the duality of the concept of «political well-being», which creates situations of short-term loyalty and less stability in political socialization.