Laboreal (Jul 2014)

Análise da atividade, participação e sustentabilidade da ação transformadora: reflexões a partir do Projeto Matriosca

  • Sérgio Duarte,
  • Ricardo Vasconcelos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. X, no. 1
pp. 32 – 46


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Despite its consensual nature, participation is an ambiguous concept. Resorting to activity analysis is one way to make participatory interventions fairer and more sustainable. The Matriosca Project is an example of a participatory intervention in which the use of activity analysis by the consultants is an essential part. This intervention, focused on increasing safety and health at work, was implemented in a chemical company and had an impact that was visible and recognized by the participants. The company’s intention was to continue the process internally and a procedure was set out with that purpose, but it is not clear that this goal was achieved. The discussion of this case culminates in a reflection on the importance of activity analysis and the collaboration of professionals that master it, as well as of other methodological, contextual and strategic conditions to consider when designing and analyzing this type of interventions.
